“There can be miracles, when you believe”.
The above statement is absolutely true. Yet, you may wonder, “how come I don’t see miracles today?” Just the other day, I found myself asking the same question …and guess what??? I got my answer. Miracles still happen…every single minute of our lives. The fact that you and I are born is a miracle. The very fact that you and I are alive is a miracle in itself, but often, we don’t realize that. We look for real hi-fi, gigantic miracles. And you know what??? Even today, hi-fi, gigantic miracles take place. But… there is a key to miracles and that is “difficulties”. Difficulties in itself don’t give rise to miracles… prayers do.
When difficulties are followed by heart felt prayers, miracles happen. God tells us in His word, the Bible,“A broken and a contrite heart I will not despise”. “Ask and it shall be given,” says the Lord. But, the point is, how often do you and I actually do that? How often do you and I ask? How often do you and I run to the Father… our Father??? Try asking Him. He is waiting to answer us for the Word says, “Call unto Me and I will answer you” (jer 33:3). Your miracle and mine is just a prayer away.
Friends, let me tell you, there is astounding power in prayer. When knees bend, the devil is robbed of his power for, “the One who is in you (us), is greater than the one who is in the world”. When you and I cry out to God and choose to turn our difficulties into miracles, we defeat the devil all over again. Don’t ever let your difficulties bog you down for the Lord has promised to be with us always – to the very end of the age (matt 28:20b).
Infact, He has promised to be with us during real tough times, because, we serve a God who has been through the toughest situations and circumstances that life can bring our way – Jesus Christ has been through the CROSS! And He did that for you and for me. He has already won our battles. He has already defeated our foe – the devil. He has already turned our difficulties into miracles. If we call out to Jesus Christ today He will show us the greatest miracle of all – the miracle of Salvation! He is waiting for you and me to cry out to Him; He is waiting to answer our prayers; He is waiting for us to bend our knees. He is waiting to give us our miracle. Call unto Him and He WILL answer you…He will give you, your miracle. Remember the power to turn a difficulty into a miracle is in our hands. Our miracles are just a prayer away!!!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Change is the only constant thing - NOT!!!
I’ve always wondered how people can simply change overnight. I mean, they are nice to till just the day before and all of a sudden, they simply see through you as if either you didn’t exist or your existence obviously didn’t matter. I could never understand how the same person can be so different?
Such thoughts make me wonder if there is anyone in this world I can count on to remain the same. The Word of God, the Bible, assures us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever more. The truth is that even if the whole world changes, Jesus Christ will remain the same. I've realised that at the end of the day, that’s all that matters!
Such thoughts make me wonder if there is anyone in this world I can count on to remain the same. The Word of God, the Bible, assures us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever more. The truth is that even if the whole world changes, Jesus Christ will remain the same. I've realised that at the end of the day, that’s all that matters!
Through and Through
My cousin was married into a known family at a very young age. After about two years her parents and her in-laws began having certain misunderstandings. My cousin gave birth to my niece under tense circumstances in the family.
By the time my niece was 6months old, things turned from bad to worse with the family. My cousin went back home to her parents. We didn’t know what to do. We were all fighting a battle and my cousin fought the biggest one. Her marriage was going through a rough patch. It was on the verge of breaking but praise the Lord it didn’t. Everyone was hurt and we wanted some one to understand us. When the world didn’t understand the pain we were going through, Jesus Christ did!
Many a times we face circumstances where we feel the need to be understood. We feel lonely and we wonder if there is at least one person who can understand us. Today I want you to know that the Lord Jesus Christ understands! He knows you through and through because He created your inmost being. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. Trust Him! He is the only one who understands.
By the time my niece was 6months old, things turned from bad to worse with the family. My cousin went back home to her parents. We didn’t know what to do. We were all fighting a battle and my cousin fought the biggest one. Her marriage was going through a rough patch. It was on the verge of breaking but praise the Lord it didn’t. Everyone was hurt and we wanted some one to understand us. When the world didn’t understand the pain we were going through, Jesus Christ did!
Many a times we face circumstances where we feel the need to be understood. We feel lonely and we wonder if there is at least one person who can understand us. Today I want you to know that the Lord Jesus Christ understands! He knows you through and through because He created your inmost being. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. Trust Him! He is the only one who understands.
All That Matters
Our family (both my maternal and paternal side) is quite well built. When I was a child it didn’t matter. However, as I became a teenager, I began getting a complex because I was fat.
Whenever I saw people who were thin, I felt horrible about myself. I felt miserable when people on the road who yell and say “Oiy moti”, “Baby elephant” and horrible stuff like that. I began to think that it is how I looked on the outside that matters. It was not until I looked to Jesus Christ that I understood how wrong I was. To God, it is what is inside that matters. You know why? Because the Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I realized that I was beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. T’was all that mattered to me. I kept telling myself – “Busky, you are fearfully and wonderfully made”. I kept telling myself this until there came a day when I knew I care two-hoods about what people think of me. The truth will always remain that I’m PRECIOUS TO HIM for I am FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE!!!
Many a times, we find ourselves in situations where we are not happy with ourselves. We tell ourselves that we are not good enough. But this is not true.The Bible declares us to be children of God. And this same Bible proclaims that you and I are fearfully and wonderfully made. When God loves us, what reason do we have not to love ourselves?
Whenever I saw people who were thin, I felt horrible about myself. I felt miserable when people on the road who yell and say “Oiy moti”, “Baby elephant” and horrible stuff like that. I began to think that it is how I looked on the outside that matters. It was not until I looked to Jesus Christ that I understood how wrong I was. To God, it is what is inside that matters. You know why? Because the Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I realized that I was beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. T’was all that mattered to me. I kept telling myself – “Busky, you are fearfully and wonderfully made”. I kept telling myself this until there came a day when I knew I care two-hoods about what people think of me. The truth will always remain that I’m PRECIOUS TO HIM for I am FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE!!!
Many a times, we find ourselves in situations where we are not happy with ourselves. We tell ourselves that we are not good enough. But this is not true.The Bible declares us to be children of God. And this same Bible proclaims that you and I are fearfully and wonderfully made. When God loves us, what reason do we have not to love ourselves?
His Grace Is Sufficient
Two years ago my maid’s 35yr old son, committed suicide by consuming poison. He had a wife and two adorable children. No one knew why he did what he did. It came as a shock to the whole family. As time passed by, the family took the tragedy in their stride. Just when everything seemed to go on well, they were faced with another battle … another heart shattering experience.
Yesterday, my maid didn’t turn up for work. We thought she’d come in a bit late but instead of her, there came a phone call and I could hear my maid crying. She some how managed to gather herself and she told me that her 14yr old grandson died that morning. Her grandson was suffering from cancer but she had faith that he would be healed. However, instead of witnessing a miracle, she witnessed a disappointment.
Many times in our lives we come across times that shatter us … times that make us wonder if God hears our prayers … times when we don’t know why horrible things happen to us or to our loved ones. Nevertheless, the good news is that if you’ve given your life to Christ, you have an assurance that no matter what the circumstance, God is still in control. Although we don’t know why such and such a thing has happened, God does. Moreover, He makes all things beautiful in His time.
We should always know for a fact that Christ’s grace is more than sufficient to get us through this life. I know that my maid and her family will accept this young death and move on with life because the Bible says that it is in our weaknesses - in our weak moments, that the power of God is made PERFECT!
Yesterday, my maid didn’t turn up for work. We thought she’d come in a bit late but instead of her, there came a phone call and I could hear my maid crying. She some how managed to gather herself and she told me that her 14yr old grandson died that morning. Her grandson was suffering from cancer but she had faith that he would be healed. However, instead of witnessing a miracle, she witnessed a disappointment.
Many times in our lives we come across times that shatter us … times that make us wonder if God hears our prayers … times when we don’t know why horrible things happen to us or to our loved ones. Nevertheless, the good news is that if you’ve given your life to Christ, you have an assurance that no matter what the circumstance, God is still in control. Although we don’t know why such and such a thing has happened, God does. Moreover, He makes all things beautiful in His time.
We should always know for a fact that Christ’s grace is more than sufficient to get us through this life. I know that my maid and her family will accept this young death and move on with life because the Bible says that it is in our weaknesses - in our weak moments, that the power of God is made PERFECT!
"For I know the future" - God
I was very upset the other day. I felt like sobbing. I was very confused. I had nothing planned out for my life. What will I do after graduation? Where will I go? What kind of a job did I want to do? I didn’t have a clue. I wanted to help myself but found solace in nothing.
I thought a stroll down memory lane would do me some good. I thought about my childhood … how wonderful it was … I recalled all the good stuff and the bad.
I looked back in time and thought of where I was ten years back and where I am now. I had come a long way.
It was then that I realized how my life just fell into place. It was as if my life was planned. It was then that I understood that although now I feel lost and confused, I am sure to see the purpose of my life some day because God says in the Bible, “I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future”.
For those of us who are confused … for those of us who don’t know what to do or where to go, here is a word assurance – There is hope in Jesus Christ – He knows the plans He has for us!
I thought a stroll down memory lane would do me some good. I thought about my childhood … how wonderful it was … I recalled all the good stuff and the bad.
I looked back in time and thought of where I was ten years back and where I am now. I had come a long way.
It was then that I realized how my life just fell into place. It was as if my life was planned. It was then that I understood that although now I feel lost and confused, I am sure to see the purpose of my life some day because God says in the Bible, “I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future”.
For those of us who are confused … for those of us who don’t know what to do or where to go, here is a word assurance – There is hope in Jesus Christ – He knows the plans He has for us!
He understands!

Have you ever faced times when your conscience tells you that something is wrong and yet you go ahead and do it? Are there times when a certain temptation is too much for you to resist?
I had such times. It was very difficult for me to resist. I found it very hard to say NO. Sometimes I did, and sometimes I didn’t. I would wonder if there was anyone who could understand my situation and sympathize with me. I soon found that SOMEONE. Someone who could understand that I was weak … and that SOMEONE dear friends, is JESUS CHRIST! He not only understood my weaknesses, He also gave me strength.
The Bible tells us that We do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin.
The High Priest here refers to Jesus Christ. It is a great solace to know that when Jesus lived in this world as a human being, He too faced temptation. However, the great thing was that He didn’t give in to it. Dear friends, each of us has our own set of weaknesses and some of us are ashamed to accept them. At this time, I want to tell each one of you that Jesus understands! He understands when we face temptations. He understands that we are weak. He understands that we cannot fight our weaknesses on our own – that’s why He is always waiting to help us, to be with us and to care for us. We just need to call out to Him – He is always there!!! He will give you strength!
I had such times. It was very difficult for me to resist. I found it very hard to say NO. Sometimes I did, and sometimes I didn’t. I would wonder if there was anyone who could understand my situation and sympathize with me. I soon found that SOMEONE. Someone who could understand that I was weak … and that SOMEONE dear friends, is JESUS CHRIST! He not only understood my weaknesses, He also gave me strength.
The Bible tells us that We do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin.
The High Priest here refers to Jesus Christ. It is a great solace to know that when Jesus lived in this world as a human being, He too faced temptation. However, the great thing was that He didn’t give in to it. Dear friends, each of us has our own set of weaknesses and some of us are ashamed to accept them. At this time, I want to tell each one of you that Jesus understands! He understands when we face temptations. He understands that we are weak. He understands that we cannot fight our weaknesses on our own – that’s why He is always waiting to help us, to be with us and to care for us. We just need to call out to Him – He is always there!!! He will give you strength!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Call on!
We are a group of four friends. There was a time when three of my friends began working. One worked as a producer for a broadcasting network, one as a content writer for a website and another at a call center. I was the only one who wasn’t working. This left me with a lot of time at hand and definitely quite jobless!!!
Every time I needed someone to talk to, I found my friends busy. They didn’t seem to have time for me. In this fast paced world, it is so difficult to find someone who is willing to listen to what we have to say … who will talk to us when we are depressed … who will encourage us when we are discouraged. Everybody is busy. No one has time for another. For some of us, even our families don’t seem to have time for us. The situation out here is depressing.
Nevertheless, I found hope … hope in Someone Who was willing to be there for me every step of the way. God assures us through His word, the Bible that we can always call Him and He is sure to answer us. I called to Him and He answered me. He is sure to answer you as well. You see, He is NEVER too busy to listen to us. He loves and cares for us. He is always there for us. We just need to call Him and He will answer.
Every time I needed someone to talk to, I found my friends busy. They didn’t seem to have time for me. In this fast paced world, it is so difficult to find someone who is willing to listen to what we have to say … who will talk to us when we are depressed … who will encourage us when we are discouraged. Everybody is busy. No one has time for another. For some of us, even our families don’t seem to have time for us. The situation out here is depressing.
Nevertheless, I found hope … hope in Someone Who was willing to be there for me every step of the way. God assures us through His word, the Bible that we can always call Him and He is sure to answer us. I called to Him and He answered me. He is sure to answer you as well. You see, He is NEVER too busy to listen to us. He loves and cares for us. He is always there for us. We just need to call Him and He will answer.
Healing beyond the pain
Healing is something most of us long for in our lives or in the lives of our loved ones.
Some of us witness healing and some of us don’t. Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the fact that God tells us that it is He who heals.
When my niece was born, she was very sick. She was kept in the incubator for over 10 days. She refused to drink milk and she was getting weaker by the day. We all thought that she would die nevertheless we prayed for her life. And miraculously, she was healed.
My friend’s mother had been suffering from cancer for almost 14yrs. They shifted from Dehra Dun to Hyderabad for treatment. She had improved. Yet she was still not out of danger. The family prayed and so did we as friends but one day we got a call saying that his mother died.
In both the cases we’ve seen that the families prayed. One was healed and one wasn’t.
Nevertheless friends, this doesn’t change the fact that God is a healer. Trust Him … He knows what is best. The Lord declares – I am the Lord who heals you. Let’s believe it!
Some of us witness healing and some of us don’t. Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the fact that God tells us that it is He who heals.
When my niece was born, she was very sick. She was kept in the incubator for over 10 days. She refused to drink milk and she was getting weaker by the day. We all thought that she would die nevertheless we prayed for her life. And miraculously, she was healed.
My friend’s mother had been suffering from cancer for almost 14yrs. They shifted from Dehra Dun to Hyderabad for treatment. She had improved. Yet she was still not out of danger. The family prayed and so did we as friends but one day we got a call saying that his mother died.
In both the cases we’ve seen that the families prayed. One was healed and one wasn’t.
Nevertheless friends, this doesn’t change the fact that God is a healer. Trust Him … He knows what is best. The Lord declares – I am the Lord who heals you. Let’s believe it!
Does it hurt?
How would you feel when someone doesn’t understand you? Or worse, when someone misunderstands you.
How would you feel when someone ignores you?
How would you feel when someone you have loved the most turns his/her back on you?
How would you feel if the one who promised to be with you forever, leaves you?
I’m sure the answer is HURT!!!
Hurt, pain, sorrow … all these are a part of life but when we go through them, we are sure to realize that it is quite difficult to get over them. When someone we love hurts us, we feel pain and are sad which is what leads to sorrow.
As you can see, hurt is most often the reason for us to lose our peace. It is most often the reason for people to even give up their lives – commit suicide.
Hurt can cause a lot of damage. Hurt can be destructive but the Bible gives us hope.
God assures us in His word, the Bible, that He will heal us … He will heal exactly where it hurts.
There is hope for hurt. There is healing for the deepest hurt. There is healing and hope for a broken heart. There is healing but only through Jesus Christ our Lord.
How would you feel when someone ignores you?
How would you feel when someone you have loved the most turns his/her back on you?
How would you feel if the one who promised to be with you forever, leaves you?
I’m sure the answer is HURT!!!
Hurt, pain, sorrow … all these are a part of life but when we go through them, we are sure to realize that it is quite difficult to get over them. When someone we love hurts us, we feel pain and are sad which is what leads to sorrow.
As you can see, hurt is most often the reason for us to lose our peace. It is most often the reason for people to even give up their lives – commit suicide.
Hurt can cause a lot of damage. Hurt can be destructive but the Bible gives us hope.
God assures us in His word, the Bible, that He will heal us … He will heal exactly where it hurts.
There is hope for hurt. There is healing for the deepest hurt. There is healing and hope for a broken heart. There is healing but only through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Life In Abundance
I always heard that women have the gift of endurance. However, when I saw kavya, I felt as if I saw endurance personified.
Ever since I’ve known Kavya, she’s been this very happy-go-lucky girl who would always, and I mean always have a smile on her face. She had been through a lot in life. When we were in college together, she used to work part time so that she could look after her family. Because of financial problems, Kavya was married off at a very young age. As soon as she turned 18, she got married and by 20yrs, she even had a child.
I met Kavya again the other day after 2yrs. She had the same warm smile on her face. It felt nice to see my friend happy and bubbly. It was not until later that I got to know what actually happened to Kavya. After her child was born, her husband died leaving nothing behind for her. Her in-laws asked her to please leave because they couldn’t afford her and her child. So Kavya began to live on her own. She didn’t go back to her parents because she didn’t want to be a burden upon them. Kavya started a baby care center in her home. This way, she could take care of her child and still work.
For any normal human being, this should’ve caused them depression but to kavya, it brought joy. I could never understand how she could be so cheerful even through adversaries. Finally one day I asked her. She gave me a broad smile and said, “The Bible tells me that Jesus has come into this world to give life, and to give it in abundance. Once you know this fact, you can’t help but enjoy life”.
Dear friends, trials and hardships are a part of each one of our lives but Jesus Christ assures us through the Bible that He has come to give life, and to give it in abundance. So let’s learn to enjoy life. Let’s learn to enjoy ourselves in whatever situation we are in. As for our trials and hardships, let’s remember that God will make everything beautiful in His time.
Ever since I’ve known Kavya, she’s been this very happy-go-lucky girl who would always, and I mean always have a smile on her face. She had been through a lot in life. When we were in college together, she used to work part time so that she could look after her family. Because of financial problems, Kavya was married off at a very young age. As soon as she turned 18, she got married and by 20yrs, she even had a child.
I met Kavya again the other day after 2yrs. She had the same warm smile on her face. It felt nice to see my friend happy and bubbly. It was not until later that I got to know what actually happened to Kavya. After her child was born, her husband died leaving nothing behind for her. Her in-laws asked her to please leave because they couldn’t afford her and her child. So Kavya began to live on her own. She didn’t go back to her parents because she didn’t want to be a burden upon them. Kavya started a baby care center in her home. This way, she could take care of her child and still work.
For any normal human being, this should’ve caused them depression but to kavya, it brought joy. I could never understand how she could be so cheerful even through adversaries. Finally one day I asked her. She gave me a broad smile and said, “The Bible tells me that Jesus has come into this world to give life, and to give it in abundance. Once you know this fact, you can’t help but enjoy life”.
Dear friends, trials and hardships are a part of each one of our lives but Jesus Christ assures us through the Bible that He has come to give life, and to give it in abundance. So let’s learn to enjoy life. Let’s learn to enjoy ourselves in whatever situation we are in. As for our trials and hardships, let’s remember that God will make everything beautiful in His time.
“… I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” – John 10:10
Be Still!!!
One night, a group of friends were traveling in a boat. When they left the shore, the sky was clear but as it became dark, it began to rain. There was thunder and lightning. The tide was high. These friends were scared. They never expected something like this to happen. They never expected this storm.
Friends, many times we face storms in our lives when we least expect it. We get scared. We don’t know what to do. We face storms in our relations, in our careers, at our workplace, in our colleges; with our in-laws … nobody knows when a storm might come. What do we do then?
In this boat, along with these friends was a man. He was sleeping. Can you believe it, he was calm and at rest in the midst of a storm. All the friends were dazed and they woke him up. This man got up, stood to his feet, looked and the storm and said, “Be still” and the storm calmed down. The thunder could not be heard any longer. There was no lightning and the tide came down.
How we wish that someone would come into our lives and calm all our storm like that. Wow! It would be so nice. Friends, we too can have the man from the boat to calm the storms of our lives. The Bible proclaims this man to us. His name is Jesus! His name is higher than any other name. If you ask Him into your life, you will never again fear a storm. God tells us in His word that we should be still and know that He is God. Trust Him with your problems. Trust Him with the thunder and lightning in your life. I’m not saying that if you ask Jesus into your life you will not have problems. No! If I said that, I’d be lying. The truth is, if you ask Jesus into your life, storms will still be there but He is going to be there to calm them down because even the winds and the waves obey Him for He is God.
Just be still and know that He is God. He will take care of you.
“… Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10
Friends, many times we face storms in our lives when we least expect it. We get scared. We don’t know what to do. We face storms in our relations, in our careers, at our workplace, in our colleges; with our in-laws … nobody knows when a storm might come. What do we do then?
In this boat, along with these friends was a man. He was sleeping. Can you believe it, he was calm and at rest in the midst of a storm. All the friends were dazed and they woke him up. This man got up, stood to his feet, looked and the storm and said, “Be still” and the storm calmed down. The thunder could not be heard any longer. There was no lightning and the tide came down.

Just be still and know that He is God. He will take care of you.
“… Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10
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