One night, a group of friends were traveling in a boat. When they left the shore, the sky was clear but as it became dark, it began to rain. There was thunder and lightning. The tide was high. These friends were scared. They never expected something like this to happen. They never expected this storm.
Friends, many times we face storms in our lives when we least expect it. We get scared. We don’t know what to do. We face storms in our relations, in our careers, at our workplace, in our colleges; with our in-laws … nobody knows when a storm might come. What do we do then?
In this boat, along with these friends was a man. He was sleeping. Can you believe it, he was calm and at rest in the midst of a storm. All the friends were dazed and they woke him up. This man got up, stood to his feet, looked and the storm and said,
“Be still” and the storm calmed down. The thunder could not be heard any longer. There was no lightning and the tide came down.

How we wish that someone would come into our lives and calm all our storm like that. Wow! It would be so nice. Friends, we too can have the man from the boat to calm the storms of our lives. The Bible proclaims this man to us. His name is Jesus! His name is higher than any other name. If you ask Him into your life, you will never again fear a storm. God tells us in His word that we should be still and know that He is God. Trust Him with your problems. Trust Him with the thunder and lightning in your life. I’m not saying that if you ask Jesus into your life you will not have problems. No! If I said that, I’d be lying. The truth is, if you ask Jesus into your life, storms will still be there but He is going to be there to calm them down because even the winds and the waves obey Him for He is God.
be still and know that He is God. He will take care of you.
“… Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10
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