“There can be miracles, when you believe”.
The above statement is absolutely true. Yet, you may wonder, “how come I don’t see miracles today?” Just the other day, I found myself asking the same question …and guess what??? I got my answer. Miracles still happen…every single minute of our lives. The fact that you and I are born is a miracle. The very fact that you and I are alive is a miracle in itself, but often, we don’t realize that. We look for real hi-fi, gigantic miracles. And you know what??? Even today, hi-fi, gigantic miracles take place. But… there is a key to miracles and that is “difficulties”. Difficulties in itself don’t give rise to miracles… prayers do.
When difficulties are followed by heart felt prayers, miracles happen. God tells us in His word, the Bible,“A broken and a contrite heart I will not despise”. “Ask and it shall be given,” says the Lord. But, the point is, how often do you and I actually do that? How often do you and I ask? How often do you and I run to the Father… our Father??? Try asking Him. He is waiting to answer us for the Word says, “Call unto Me and I will answer you” (jer 33:3). Your miracle and mine is just a prayer away.
Friends, let me tell you, there is astounding power in prayer. When knees bend, the devil is robbed of his power for, “the One who is in you (us), is greater than the one who is in the world”. When you and I cry out to God and choose to turn our difficulties into miracles, we defeat the devil all over again. Don’t ever let your difficulties bog you down for the Lord has promised to be with us always – to the very end of the age (matt 28:20b).
Infact, He has promised to be with us during real tough times, because, we serve a God who has been through the toughest situations and circumstances that life can bring our way – Jesus Christ has been through the CROSS! And He did that for you and for me. He has already won our battles. He has already defeated our foe – the devil. He has already turned our difficulties into miracles. If we call out to Jesus Christ today He will show us the greatest miracle of all – the miracle of Salvation! He is waiting for you and me to cry out to Him; He is waiting to answer our prayers; He is waiting for us to bend our knees. He is waiting to give us our miracle. Call unto Him and He WILL answer you…He will give you, your miracle. Remember the power to turn a difficulty into a miracle is in our hands. Our miracles are just a prayer away!!!
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